

E67 Series 系列(GA85 MESIS®)

产品介绍 产品参数

DC capacitor with safety device带安全装置的直流电容器

The first of their kind, worldwide.


The further optimization of our climate-proof GA85 series has paved the way to even more capacitance per volume and less self-inductance. But the best thing about it: DC support capacitor with effective overpressure protection device.




Detailed description (please consult for model parameters)


The first low-inductive capacitor with safety device. That’s a first.

The DC-link capacitors of our new GA85 E67 series are characterized by a particularly low self-inductance and low-loss design and therefore ideally suited for high-current DC-links with high switching frequencies. In the version with two connections, self-inductances of less than 40 nH can be achieved even with large capacities in a can height of 280mm, and even <20nH with two crosswise arranged terminals. In a combination of several units, low values can be achieved which were unthinkable before .

As with the capacitors in our GA85 E66 series, the E67 capacitors are tightly sealed by metallic cans and lids and are therefore excellently shielded against environmental influences such as moisture or contamination by harmful substances. Temporary condensation on these capacitors is just as permissible as IEC type tests under extreme conditions with 85% RH at 85°C. The tightly sealed housing also meets the requirements of hazard level HL3 according to railway standard EN 45545 (fire behaviour of materials and components).

The E67s are the world's first capacitors to be equipped with our innovative Mesis® overpressure protection. Just like our BAM fuses, which have been tried and tested over many years, this fuse responds mechanically to the internal pressure increase usually associated with the failure of film capacitors. However, Mesis® manages without an external extension of the housing. The capacitor can be firmly installed and connected to rigid, low-inductance bus bars without impairing the function of the fuse. The signal of the overpressure protection can be used on site or at a central detection system for the immediate shutdown of one or several affected capacitors.

This combination of particularly low self-inductance, shielding against environmental interference and reliable protection in the event of malfunctions is unique. In conjunction with the proven long-term stability of our SecuMet metallization, this makes GA85 E67 Mesis® the ideal capacitor for safety and life-time sensitive applications, such as railways, marine and offshore installations.


新的GA85 E67 系列直流支撑电容,特点是低自感和低损耗设计,是大电流、高开关频率的直流支撑电路的理想选择。在两个连接版本中,壳高280mm的大容量电容自感小于40nH,两个端子交叉排列时自感甚至小于20nH。在几个单元的组合中,所能实现的低值,是以前难以想象的。

与 GA85 E66 系列电容一样, E67 系列电容由金属外壳和盖子密封,可以很好地屏蔽环境影响,如潮湿或有害物质污染。与IEC型式试验检测相同,在85% RH 和85°C 的极端条件下,电容器表面出现冷凝是允许的。密封外壳还符合铁路标准 EN 45545危险等级HL3的要求(材料和组件的防火性能)。

E67系列电容是第一款配备了我们创新的 Mesis®过压力保护装置的电容器。与我们的BAM拉断保护丝一样,经过多年的尝试和测试,该保护丝通常会对与薄膜电容器故障相关的内部压力的升高作出机械响应。然而, Mesis®拉断保护装置不通过外壳拉伸而发生作用。电容器可以牢固地安装并连接到刚性的低电感母线上,而不会影响保护的功能。过压力保护信号可提供给现场或中央检测系统,以立即关闭一台或多台受影响的电容器。

这种超低自感、对环境干扰的屏蔽、以及在发生故障时可靠保护的组合,是独一无二的。再加上我们经过验证的SecuMet金属化薄膜的长期稳定性,使得 GA85 E67 Mesis®系列电容成为铁路、船舶和海上设施等对电容安全性和使用寿命要求较高的应用场合的理想选择。